Teaching Somatic Skills to Support Client’s Healthy Sleep
Research shows that regular practice of nervous system down-regulation skills can improve the quality and duration of sleep.
The purpose of this experiential training is threefold: 1) to offer therapists a variety of easy to adopt, evidence-based, somatic skills to teach clients who suffer from sleep issues; 2) to assist therapists in skillfully integrating these skills into their work with clients and 3) to offer a psycho-educational context regarding the importance of healthy sleep and healthy sleep habits that therapists can draw upon.
The presenter will offer an overview of the evidence for somatic practices for sleep, ample experiential practices including gentle qigong movements, breath and meditation, and brief opportunities to practice teach the skills with other participants.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the course participants will be able to:
Explain how the Autonomic Nervous System and general health is affected by a insufficient healthy sleep
Describe the physiological mechanism by which specific mind-body techniques can improve healthy sleep in a way that is accessible to clients
Skillfully practice and teach several simple, evidence-based breathing and guided meditation exercises to enhance sleep
Use effective language in introducing movement, breathing and meditation techniques in the therapy office setting
Practice key principles when teaching somatic practices to ensure the approach is trauma-sensitive
Participants Will Receive:
Scripts for guiding trauma-sensitive breath and meditation exercises
Recorded trauma-sensitive breath, qigong movement and guided meditation exercises that can be used with clients
Appropriate for therapists and health professionals of all backgrounds, wishing to integrate more somatic skills into their practice.
Teaching Somatic Skills to Support Clients Healthy Sleep - SCRIPTS
(0.01 MB)
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Healthy Sleep Guidelines
(0.49 MB)
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20 Minute Coherent Breath ~ Building Resiliency Skills.mp3
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iRest Meditation for Sleep (amb) with Robin Carnes
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61 Point Meditation Extended (amb) with Robin Carnes
Robin is a leading pioneer in bringing evidence-based somatic approaches into healthcare. From 2006-2012 Robin was yoga, qigong & meditation instructor for a Defense Department acute PTSD treatment program at Walter Reed Medical Center. She co-founded Warriors at Ease, a non-profit that serves military communities. Robin has trained hundreds of Mental Health professionals to bring somatic skills to their clients. Her work has been featured in the Washington Post, Woman’s Day Magazine, Huffington Post, and Army Magazine, as well as the award-winning documentary, Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue America’s Healthcare. Robin was honored by the Smithsonian Institute in 2013 for her work with the military. Currently, Robin offers Qigong with Robin online classes (30 min on Mon-Wed-Fri mornings) with civilian students from Europe to Texas, and works with private clients. For fun, Robin loves singing in her 50’s-80’s cover band, Close Enough. She lives in Silver Spring, MD.
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